Mixing Operation Pricing

Learn everything about our pricing for mixing operations

Randomly Generated Fees

Every mixing operation has a fee of 1% - 3%

Our service cares about the anonymity and privacy of our users. Therefore, establishing and maintaining your privacy is also our top priority. To preserve your anonymity and make Chainanalysis as hard as possible, we have decided to randomly generate the fees for mixing operations.

The fee per mixing operation ranges between 1% - 3% and is generated with a decimal number of 4 digits. Also, the miner’s fee that is required by the crypto network is paid by the user and deducted from the total mixed amount. This way we make any possibility of counter-calculations on the blockchain impossible and preserve your anonymity with maximum security.

Randomly Generated Fee
Making Chainanalysis Impossible
Fee with a decimal number of 4 digits

Use UniJoin to Anonymize
your cryptos

Join UniJoin to receive qualitative untraceable coins with help of CoinJoin technology.
Event Announcement
$2,000 Giveaway

Event Ends In:

UniJoin has launched their first giveaway! We are giving away a total of $2000 to 50 different participants.

What you must do:

There are several tasks you can do to win, such as following us on Twitter and other social media channels.

How you can win:

Different tasks will give you a number of entries. The more tasks you do, the more likely you are to win. Winners will still be randomly selected.

What you can win:

You can win $40. This will be sent via Bitcoin to your desired wallet address. The rewards will be distributed on July 19, 2022.